Holiday Cardio Challenge

You are one Small Group class
away from a Great HOLIDAY!
Encourages exercise during the holiday season.
5 weeks of fun and challenging things to work on
Weekly accountability! We're here to help you stay the course - track your progress and see results.
Day 1 Weigh-In. Each person must weigh in for the management of the holiday weight gain loss
Schedule a day to do your cardio.
A support team! This has been a year and let's all come together to lift each other up. Let my client's commUNITY help.
Are you ready?
Holiday Offers
New Member
Planning for Success Session
Up to 15 Small Group Sessions (Expires 1/1/2023)
Access to Cardio schedule
Weekly 30-minute check-ins
$360 (savings $195)
Existing Member
Planning for Success Session
5 Weeks Unlimited Cardio Schedule - $50 (savings $25)
Access to Cardio schedule
Weekly 30-Min Check-ins
Paula Henry's Fingers of Success

Know how much water to drink a day
64oz is not enough water for most people over 125lbs that don't move a muscle all day!

Know your BMR numbers
How much food should you actually be eating a day, knowing how to time food intake to support your metabolic lifestyle!

Understand your Lifestyle Framework
Understanding your environmental, physical, mental, and emotional stressors relate to your overall stress management system!

Understand your HR when exercising
Do you know what heartrate you need to be in to stay in your fat burning heartrate?
Nutrition needs and recommendations may vary widely based upon age, body type, activity level, overall health and ability, and specific training goals. Using my training and professional experience, I’ll craft a customized program that gets you started quickly and offers specifics on food types, meal recommendations, and optimal timing to maximize the benefits of your training. Inter-session email support provides the motivation that will push you to achieve your goals!